Saturday, April 20, 2024



Love is a feeling of intense attraction towards someone. This attraction can be based on sexual desires. It can also be regarded as affection and tenderness felt by lovers.

Crush on the other hand is an intense and usually passing infatuation felt towards someone.

Young people find it difficult to differentiate loving someone from crushing on someone. Here’s how to know if what feel for that special someone is real or not.

Love is unexplainable as we don’t know the force that drives us to those we love. There’s no particular feature or quality they possess that gets us attracted to them. Meanwhile, crush might be due to the person’s beauty, sense of fashion, wealth, popularity etc. We also get seriously hurt when people we love do the unexpected of them, whereas we feel less offended when our crush do something similar.

Crush is ;

  • Brief: crush doesn’t last long as we tend to crush on someone else that possesses a better quality (e.g more beautiful or handsome, has a better sense of fashion etc) than our present crush.
  • For wrong person(someone older or out of one’s league): We get infatuated easily to people that can never be ours. Maybe a white person, stepsister or stepbrother, lecturer, musician, actor, etc.
  • Fantasy: We create an illusion of us with the person we are attracted to in our head. Even though we know it is not possible, we still want to believe that they belong to us.
  • Unhealthy for our mental health.

Love on the other hand ;

  • Is a strong feeling of attraction: We get so attracted to the one we love and nothing in particular is the reason for the attraction. It is one of the mysteries of nature.
  • Lasts longer: Love is a lifetime feeling. Even when we meet better people, we still find ourself loving our faulty partners.
  • Endures: This is a special feature of love. The tough times in our love life should never be a reason for separation. It is the time when we should love our partners the more, enduring the odds and difficulties.
  • Is Forgiving: We see ourself forgiving those we love no matter the severity of their offence which may not be possible with our crush.
  • Addictive: We never get enough of our lover. We seek them more often. The urge to always be with them, talk to them is inevitable.
  • Tolerates.
  • Is Sexual attraction.
  • Is Sacrificing.

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